Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Tuesday #51

Hi everyone,

How was your Easter? Mine was very enjoyable. It was fun to walk around in my pretty dress and look for eggs. My eggs were really neat cause they were jumbo plastic eggs with Little People in them. I also got an egg with Cookie and Elmo in it. My only complaint was the weather. Snow. Hail. Sleet. Sunshine. It was nuts. As I looked out at the snowflakes falling it seemed more like Christmas than Easter. I captured some of the Christmas spirit by playing a carol on the drum. Pa rum pum pum pum.

Have yourself a merry little week.


Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy Tuesday #50

Hi everyone,

I had a real fun week. Saturday was my first birthday party. It was a blast. I got to see my family and friends, the cake was yummy, and I got loads of gifts. Too bad I didn't get what I really wanted...a Pancake Puff Pan. Yesterday we had our second annual St.Patty's Day family photo shoot. Ollie and I tried to recreate our famous picture from last year, but we just didn't have the same chemistry. We did manage to get a good family shot. I think our self portrait really flatters us. But then again, I don't know what flatters even means. With all the pictures I've been in the last couple weeks. I'm getting the hang of smiling for the camera. And no smile is ever too big!

Keep smiling for the camera this week.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Happy Tuesday #49

Hi everyone,

Daylight saving time is back and spring is on the way. Now that the days are getting longer and warmer, mommy and daddy will want to take walks in the evening. When I was a baby they pushed me in the stroller. But I'm a toddler now and when I hit the open road I want to experience more independence and show my wild side. No more strollers for me. I've got a new ride. The batteries are fresh and he's roaring to go. With wheels like mine, who needs a Harley?

No matter what you drive, ride like you were born to be wild!


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Happy Tuesday #48

Hi everyone,

I am one years old now. I'm very excited to be a toddler and I hope that everyone understands that I don't want to be treated like a baby anymore. No more baby toys, and no more baby foods. From now on I want to play with big girl stuff and eat roast beef and potatoes. Speaking of potatoes, like all big kids I have found the joy of being a couch potato. On my birthday I had an ear infection and the only thing that made me feel better was my new lazy girl chair. Let's hear it for couch potatoes!

Be a little lazy this week.
