Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Happy Tuesday #19

Hi everyone,

Saturday was a momentous occasion. My friend Norah had her first birthday party, and I turned five months. To celebrate both occasions, I got all dressed up in one of my best party dresses. Even though I looked very elegant, I still managed to sneak in a little silliness.

Get all dressed up this week...even if you have no place to go.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Happy Tuesday #18

Hi everyone,

I have a new highchair and it's real cool. I eat cereal in it and sometimes I eat the food tray. I guess my manners aren't too good yet, but I'll have plenty of time to be polite when I get big.

Forget your manners this week and just have fun!


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Happy Tuesday #17

Hi everyone,

My life is hectic. Between mealtime, playtime, tummy time, bath time, nap time, and fussy time, I barely get a chance to sit back and enjoy being a baby. Last week I was able to sneak in some time for myself. It didn't last long, but it was glorious.

Sneak in some time for yourself this week.


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Happy Tuesday #16

Hi everyone,

While daddy was away on a golf trip, me and mommy had a girls' weekend. We went shopping, strolled around the neighborhood, and watched movies. While hanging out with mommy was fun, my most favorite part of the weekend was playing with my clutch cube. It's a simple little toy but it fascinates me. All the girlie stuff is fine, but I'll take a blanket and my clutch cube over that stuff any day.

Enjoy the simple things this week.


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Happy Tuesday #15

Hi everyone,

This week I wanted to take a more interactive approach to play time, so mommy and daddy got out a new toy. It's called an exersaucer, and it's only for big kids. At first I was overwhelmed, but soon I found myself engrossed in the colors, lights, and sounds. Now if only my legs were a bit longer...

This week take some time to interact!


P.S. Happy Firecracker Day