Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Happy Tuesday #43

Hi everyone,

My cousin Luke is a good friend to me. He calls me "baby" and smiles when he sees me. Sometimes we eat lunch together and it's always a good time. We laugh (he always gets my jokes), we make funny faces, and we even enjoy the same foods. One day last week we had a cheerios eating contest. I didn't think I had a chance, but while he mugged it up for the camera, I took him down. Better luck next time cuz.

Have some fun with a good friend this week.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Happy Tuesday #42

Hi everyone,

Now that I'm eating almost all table food, and almost one year old, I'm ready to go up a size in my clothes. So over the weekend, mommy went through my closet to see which of my clothes still fit and which are too small. I thought it was real fun cause I got to try on some crazy outfits, like red pants with a light purple and green polka dot top, and brown pants with a pastel lion sweater.

As mommy and I sorted through my clothes, I thought back on some of my fashion choices during my first year. Overall, I think I did pretty well for a baby. I took some risks and most of them paid off. But my fashion sense wasn't always right on. I look back on some of my choices and wonder... what was I thinking?

Put on something crazy this week.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Happy Tuesday #41

Hi everyone,

Lately I've been doing a lot of exploring. It's my most favorite thing right now and I'm pretty good at it. Sometimes as I make my way from room to room, I like to pretend I'm Ferdinand Magellan traveling around the globe. There are so many new adventures and discoveries, but I can't understand why mommy isn't more excited. Doesn't she know how close I am to finding a lost civilization in our pantry? Grown-ups. I'll never understand them.

Explore something new this week. You never know what you might discover.


P.S. I miss you daddy!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Happy Tuesday #40

Hi everyone,

I've heard it's a baby's prerogative to change her mood. Now mommy says I'm a good baby most of the time, but even she will admit I have days where I mope around the house with a fussy face. I know I shouldn't fuss because I have toys to play with, food to eat, clothes to wear (and get dirty), and so on. But there's just something cleansing about a good cry. I guess I'm not the only one who thinks so. Mommy sure has her hands full.

Get a little fussy this week.


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Tuesday

Hi everyone,

I'm a baby so I'm not sure I understand this thing called the New Year and resolutions and stuff. I've heard the New Year is a time when big people get a fresh start. They get a new perspective on things and decide what they want to change or be better about. It doesn't make much sense to me, but maybe it's not a bad idea to look at things in a new way. But then again, maybe I'm taking it a bit too far.

I hope you see things clearly this year. If not, then I suggest an eye appointment.
