Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Tuesday #35

Hi everyone,

Music is good for the soul. Ever since I was a little baby I've been excited about music. Mommy and daddy always sing to me and it makes me happy. Now I can make them happy by creating music on my new grand piano. I can play Row, Row, Row Your Boat, Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, and The Itsy Bitsy Spider. I'm getting real good and expect an invitation to play on the Today Show or Oprah. But I must warn you. Don't mess with me during a song. We musicians are very temperamental.

Make a little music this week. And have a fun Turkey Day!



Anonymous said...

CK - You are standing up so well! Have we seen any steps yet?

CK said...

I haven't taken any steps on my own, but I am very close. My new things is I like to try to climb stuff. It's very fun for mommy and daddy :)