I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I don't have much hair. In fact, I'm pretty bald. I haven't started to panic yet, but I do get a little concerned whenever I see a full head of hair on a baby my own age. I'm sure I'll grow hair eventually, but in the meantime I'm learning to focus on what I do have rather than on what I don't. After all, a big smile and plenty of hats should get me pretty far.
Accentuate the positive this week. And when all else fails, flash a big smile.
Bald is beautiful kiddo. No worries.
CK Daddy
Don't sweat it about the bald thing, your Aunt Jill tells me I was bald until I was almost 2. Be glad you don't have hair. You'll appreciate your baldness when you get older and try to straighten it, especially with Missouri humidity. As your mom, she knows what I am talking about. Love ya a bushel & a peck and a hug around the neck.
Your Favorite Cousin Erin
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